Men used to say, “A man is no better than his word.” And that’s the truth. Words are really nothing. It’s the power of the personality behind them. Keep that in mind as you ponder the babble that comes out of the mouths of politicians and special interest groups.

A spokesperson for the tobacco industry once said, "there is absolutely no proof that tobacco is harmful". What could be more criminal than a statement like that?

A man is only as good as his word. Keep that in mind as you read the words of Christ and as you review the recorded moments of His life. Jesus stands behind everything He says. He promised to raise Himself from the dead…and He did! He promised to come again to this earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords…and He will! No word of Christ will be void of the power to perform it.

Men lie. Christ is the truth! Men kill and steal and destroy. Christ gives abundant life! Men are thieves. By deceit or force or by some other means, they take the wealth of others as the robbers did to the traveler on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Christ takes our burdens and our misery, and replaces them with strength, peace and joy. You’ll never get a better deal. He promised to give abundantly, above all that we could ask or think...and He does…and he will!

It's in His word. And behind His word is the untarnished character of Almighty God.

Paul Graham