Previous Episode: You Got a License for That?
Next Episode: The Good Old Ways

When something comes along to disappoint, to discourage, to challenge us, we often remark, “Well, there’s the rub.” As if to say that anything contrary to our goal is considered a “rub”, a thing to detour us or defeat us. No so! An unknown author, writing almost one hundred years ago, gave us something to think about.

Rub a bow over the strings of a well tuned violin and it becomes a beautiful melody. Rub your hands together when they are cold and it will bring warmth. There are rubs that remove wrinkles, and rubs that take away pain. My mother rubbed the dirty clothes and made they white again.

The next time you are inclined to say, “there’s the rub”, consider this: it might just be the hand of God trying to turn your sorrow into a song. It might be God rubbing you to take away pain. Or maybe He is trying cleanse you and make you white and bright again..

The rub makes one person bitter while it makes another person better. Let the “rub” do its thing. You can choose which it will be--Bitter or Better.

Paul Graham