Previous Episode: Somebody Shoot Me!

A man who mashed his thumb with a hammer said that it was a good thing since it taught him to appreciate his thumb more. He said, “By actual count the first day I found that there were 257 things I had been using my thumb for without giving it a thought.”

Two African Princes visited England. When asked what they would like to take with them as a parting gift, they replied that they would like a cold water faucet and a hot water faucet. They thought the faucets were things of magic. They did not comprehend the system that was back of them.

We have a lot to live with in our Country. But we seem to have forgotten that material prosperity is nothing without the Spiritual and moral persuasion to live in peace and harmony with both God and man.

The best part of life is not “things.” The best part of life is to know God the Father and Christ the Savior. America must turn back to God! Unless we do, the last living American won’t need to turn off the faucets for there will be nothing in them except rust.

Paul Graham