Hopeologist Dr. Rosalind Lewis Tompkins has a hope chat with Dr. Jonathan Annipen of Durban South Africa about the upcoming South African Hope Tour. Dr. Rosalind Tompkins and Dr. Rebecca Judd will be traveling to South Africa for a hope tour in August which is South Africa’s Women’s Month. This will be the third such tour that Dr. Rosalind has been a part of with Dr. Jonathan. She will be the featured speaker in several venues from Richard’s Bay to Durban and finally Johannesburg.

In this powerful International episode of Think Hope Podcast,Hopeologist RosalindandDr. Jonathan share about the power of hope and some of the amazing things that God has done during prior hope tours and what is planned for the upcoming hope tour. They also share about Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi MP’sauspicious lifetime career and anti-apartheid work with the late Dr. Nelson Mandela and the International HOPEE Award that Dr. Rosalind will have the honor of presenting to him.

For more information about the Mothers In Crisis Hope Pass It On Campaign visit www.makeahopeconnection.com.

To obtain a copy of the Practice of Hopeology booklet visit:  www.practiceofhopeology.com.

For more information about Hope Immersion Retreats please visit www.HopeImmersionRetreat.com.