A few years ago, my husband Kwame and I had the privilege of meeting Margy Otiato while on a mission trip with Dr. Patricia Bailey Ministries in Nairobi Kenya.  We were there to support the South Sudanese refugees that fled to the refugee camps in Nairobi after the tribal upheaval.  I then met Margy at one of the Sisters Empowering the World retreats in Los Angeles California and I told her about the hope campaign and how we are spreading hope.  She was very interested and encouraging.  Once we begin celebrating April National Month of Hope she contacted me via social media and said that she wanted to be a part of what we are doing to spread hope.  I sent her the information about becoming a Citizen of Hope and true to her word, she signed right up.  I am very impressed with this young lady and her love for Christ, her enthusiasm reminds me of me.  On today's show, I will have a Hope Chat with Margy and talk about things pertaining to her life and hope.

Margy is a partner with Master's Touch International's Arm of Sisters Empowering the World as a volunteer, trainee, and resource contact.  She works at the United Nations as a peer counsellor for supporting staff in distress or crisis during emergencies or grief.  Margy was born in Uganda as a Kenyan bred citizen. She's a single mom to 8-year-old Moses and they have been in the US since 2012 and are members of Love of Jesus family church in Orange New Jersey.

You can become a Citizen of Hope today!