Welcome to Your Monday Maxim with Amy:

This your mental Vitamin B. Each Monday I share a little motivation & insight to start the week. You’ve got a lot of people depending on you. There is big work for you to do. So here’s a maxim for you, the smart, ambitious woman, to help you SHINE.

“Women have to take the time to focus on our mental health- take time for self, for the spiritual, without feeling guilty or selfish. The world will see you the way you see you, and treat you the way you treat yourself.”  - Beyonce

No more self-talk that is so cruel to yourself.

Self- care:

1.  Is not bubble baths and massages.  Find what works.

2.  Is personal to you.  Just because it works for a friend doesn't mean it is going to work for you.

3.  Lifts you up so you are filled.  Your soul has a gas tank and the truth is, most of us are running on fumes.  Time to fill up.