Ep. 90

How to Take Quality Care of Your People (Think: Your Champion)

Sales Funnel Series, Part 5

Take your small business to be the business “everyone keeps hearing about…”

Who are Your People?

Your people (they have decided to be your Super Fan) They’ve been coined “your apostles” because they are out speaking the good word of you. We call them CHAMPIONS They feel comfortable (They seek out new ways to) learn from you, be part of your group, or contribute to your cause.

You know you have a champion when…

Their spouse, close friends, and beauty shop ladies know you.  By name. They cannot stop talking about you.  Everywhere. The love and buy every, single thing you sell. They volunteer to do more, buy more, or give you even more than what you asked of them. The relationship between you and your champ is what we call “The Ultimate Win-Win.”

Why do your champions matter?

Organizations, businesses, and even political parties do not survive WITHOUT them. Example: NFL with the Seahawks fans in freezing cold weather. These are the lifeblood of your business.  Think of Cheers, “Norm…” walks into the room.  McDonald’s shift and the old, curmudgeonly guys come in for morning coffee and pancakes. They know their menu better than you.

How do I influence my champions even more?

Figure out a way to be one-step ahead of their request. Keep them happy. Example: NFL with the Seahawks fans in freezing cold weather. These are the lifeblood of your business.  Think of Cheers, “Norm…” walks into the room.  McDonald’s shift and the old guys come in for morning coffee and pancakes. They know their menu better than you.

Why are they so committed to me & my services?

They seek connection.  Find ways for these members to meet others like them.  (Membership group. MeetUp of members.) They want status.  (For the Inner Circle of fans.  High paying customers… we offer this…) They want access to you.  (NFL, meet the players day…with purchase of this & this…) Find ways to have “elite club members only” events.  (Only season ticket holders get to attend the event…) If you buy this package AND the membership bonus, you’ll receive FREE _________.

What else can I offer them?

Signed copies of your work (great for creators.) An open house of your newly remodeled restaurant (by invite only of those reward members that have 5,000 points of more.) Offer a new experience. 

How often should I connect with them?

Surprise them.  Make it personal. Everyone knows a card is coming at the holidays.  I send a card 2-3 times a year in the off months. Leave something that reminds you of them.  Send them tickets to your exclusive event… A simple thank you card for doing business with you.  Buy the staff lunch after your business with them.


How do I include them?

Something special…just for them.  Think everyone can buy tickets to a concert. Few pay more for the up close seats. They pay more for the backstage passes. And your champions will pay a lot more for the “15-minute meet the band” before the show… (that comes only with  up close seats and backstage passes…)

So, How Do You Quickly Get Started with Your Solid Sales Funnel?

Take one step and start moving forward. Next time I'm going to show you how to do even more and get your customers to start talking about you. You have big work to do. I love showing you how to simplify the steps so you are working smarter instead of harder.