Welcome back to the Email Marketing Series!

In episode 103, we started talking about what your email marketing needs to be effective. 

Then in episode 105, we discussed your email marketing strategy.

In this episode, we'll look at why you hate selling online; how you can create relationships with customers and make more sales using email to connect with your audience.

Something you may not have considered: The reason you hate selling online is that it feels disingenuous. It doesn't feel like YOU.

Example, board a flight and the person scanning your ticket or your phone says, "Enjoy your flight."

The worst example was when our family was booking tickets to Disneyworld in Orlando.  We had to make an adjustment and after the call transferred to another someone on the phone lines, the customer service person said, "Have a magical day."  But it certainly did not sound magical.

These are prime examples of disingenuous expressions.

You are not disingenuous.  You are real. This matters to you because you are concerned about having integrity and being true to you.  Even online.

Now, think of your last movie recommendation to a friend...

Or, the recommendation I received on a restaurant in town we haven't tried, a friend said, "You gotta try the fried pickles.  They are phenomenal."

These are very specific.  They are recommendations.  And you LOVE sharing it.  

The key is to build more trust in your online business. 

You build that trust by following :

1. Reveal yourself.  Share what you are doing, where you are in a process.

2. Involve your audience in the conversation.

3. Recommend the solution that works for you.

Think about infomercials.  We've all seen an ad, you know it's an ad while flipping through channels.  You listen for a few minutes and realize a half hour has passed.

What happened?  You were involved.

So, how do you do this with your email marketing?

You build the trust.  Follow the same steps in this way:

1. Reveal yourself.  Share what you are doing, where you are in a process.

You reveal yourself when you Tell a Story.  Don't write a novel in your email, just a few sentences is enough. Make the picture evident.  

2. Involve your audience in the conversation.

To involve your audience, Ask a Question.  You've just painted the picture, you can easily ask, "What would you have done?" Or, "What do you think happened?" Or, "So guess what she did?"

3. Recommend the solution that works for you.

The story and question now give you a chance to Share the Solution (that is, What You are Selling) to explain how it worked. Be sure to share the most important part, The Results.  It's about those results.

4. From there, Make Your Offer. 

Tell your customer what they must do now to get those same results.  Emotion makes the sale.  Be sure to talk about how it feels to use your product/service/offer.

By following these specific steps, you make more sales through email.  But you're doing it in a way that is genuinely you.

Build trust and credibility as you make more money. That's email marketing success.