If I could go back at the start of my business, I would tell myself one thing, "Master Email Marketing." 

These next few episodes are all about the lessons of email marketing I wish someone would have taught me.

Your success is in your hands now.  It feels like I'm giving you the keys to a brand new Tesla.  

Start her up.  Set her on autopilot and watch your business take off.

Here is your email marketing primer, the broad strokes. 

1. Set Up Your Strategy.

Establish your rules for business. Show them what to do next. Walk them through the process.

2.  Be You.  The Real You.

Share what is happening in your life. Authentic vs. Being Transparent (Authenticity is sharing how you feel inside, what you are learning intellectually.  Transparency shows the whole mess.  All of the pieces falling apart.  It's like a country song gone wrong... Don't lose credibility.) Use your real voice as you are making an offer to your customers. 

3. Build Community 

Make the connection with your group. Show how what you offer helps others.  Build interdependence within your community. Focus on your own group. Get their input. Ask questions. Take a poll, etc.

4. Tell a Story

Think of the 3E's:

Show your empathy. Be the expert. Share your eccentricities.

Paint a picture of what is happening.

Business is about trust.

You don't have time as a business owner to talk to people for hours on end to make a sell.

Now, you send messages out as packages to build those messages of trust.

5. Be the Teacher

Say to yourself, "Guide My Group."  You already know how to do so many things... now you can share that with your group.

Break a project down into small steps. Think about your system. Write down a brain dump...look at the big picture. Avoid the curse of expertise.  (That is, you work at a level 9 or 10, while the rest of the world thinks about this at level 2 or 3.) Make it simple.  It will feel like you are dumbing it down.  You are making it so easy so that you can explain it in basic bones components. Be the person to show someone how to do the beginner's guide. Tutor the beginners.   Instant Pot example.

6. Be a Reporter For Every Email

Answer the questions before they ask. 5 W's:  Who, What, When, Where, Why  Show them the How... Find ways to walk them through the steps. Remember 7th grade? You don't know the Algebra teacher...and once he starts talking, Math becomes so much fun.  The teacher has inspired you. That's what you'll do with your email sequences.

You already have high-level relationships in many areas of your life.

Use email right and you will have lots more people coming to you to learn how to excel.