Heather Shue, of Simply Save Minnesota. shares her story of how she has learned the live teh good life at a cheaper price.

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We discuss:

How she got started.  Just a year ago she was in an entirely different situation.
How she spent too much in Afghanistan while serving for her country, and what that taught her.
The moment she realized that if the government were to shut down, what that would do to her.  
How young kids, freshly new in the military, gives  full-time salary to 19 year-olds and they don't know what to do with it.
If kids are not learning money management at home, where are they learning it?
"Don't fall prey to 'Rental Car Lust.'" That new car feeling when you rent a car is seductive.  Don't fall for it.
Heather re-focused her goals for 2015.  Wait until you hear what she did with those!
She has put her retirement payment above holiday spending to complete the goal.
The holiday season is not a SURPRISE.  They happen every year!
How she is finding the balance of paying off aggressively her car payments and not dipping into the savings to survive.
She shares to inspire others that you can break the cycle of living paycheck-to-paycheck!
Heather has started practicing minimalism, but she says, "Minimalism is HARD."
"Life can be short.  I focus on the things I love and enjoy."
"It just feels good to just eliminate stuff."
Experiences matter more to Heather than cleaning, one reason minimalism has been part of her transition.
Eliminating the clothes has been a process for her. It's one piece at a time that will be leaving.
How she has evolved as a person working through these goals.  

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 Resources mentioned on today's episode:

Simply Save MN
Heather Shue on Twitter
Simply Save MN on Facebook
5 Dollar Dinner YouTube Channel

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