Connect and get to know ‘Dami and why she is so passionate, but still freaking out, about this new podcast journey, all wrapped up in her obsession with helping you 
sustain and flourish in your uplifted, purposeful, resilient and resourceful state.

Beloved, the Think Again & Be podcast is for you if you crave encouragement, joy and a liberating perspective.

Join ‘Dami with her infectious joy and personality if you love a good pun and fun with words and laughter, while seriously revisiting the assumptions you’ve built your life upon.

In each episode, ‘Dami, Chief Encourager and Storyteller and Creator of Tribal Marks, Passion Barre Karingah and Beloved Sage - equips you with empowering insights, thinking strategies, grace-based confidence and inspired rants for your heart, faith, creativity, mission, family, culture, functional health/wellness and lifestyle.

Get your hopes up!

Get Your Hopes Up!