In this episode we wrap up from the last, and continue our brave dive into discussing restoration in the age of pornography with guest, Greta Eskridge - reclaiming a healthy, godly sexuality from fear, trauma, shame and depression - with simple practical steps to fight porn with your kids, family and community.

What an incredible time it is with Greta as she saturates with her fun, warm authenticity along with hope, empowering insights and strategies.
Listen in to get emboldened and equipped with the power of restoration and connection - whether you’re in need of restoration or you want to be equipped to support and help protect those around you from this pervasive issue.

Greta would love to connect with you. Find her on Instagram as @maandpamodern #gretafightsporn
Or on her website

Plus, Greta has compiled some great resources and tools. Find some below, and the FULL LIST at

To help your family fight pornography & cultivate a healthy sexual culture in your home

addressing pornography and body safety (to read with your kids)
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. by Kristen Jensen (ages 5-8)
Good Pictures Bad Pictures by Kristen Jensen (ages 9-12)
God Made All of Me by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb (ages 4-10)
How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography by Alexander Dina (ages 12-18) *non-sectarian

addressing healthy sexuality for adults:
Mom, Dad, What’s sex? Giving Your Kids a Gospel Centered View of Sex and Our Culture. by Jessica Thomson and Joel Fitzpatrick
Raising Boys Who Respect Girls by Dave Willis
Rethinking Sexuality--God’s Design and Why It Matters by Julie Slattery

that provide information on talking to your kids about sex and cultivating a healthy sexuality in the home:
Birds and Bees and Kids –
Smart Phone alternative for kids:

Get Your Hopes Up!