Today is all things Chineke!, Steiner education, mental health and branching out of classical music into other projects/genres!

Hattie chats to violinist Raye Harvey about her life and education. Delving into the subtle ways in which subtle racial discrimination has been transformed by the work of the Chineke! Orchestra, Raye talks about becoming involved with Europe's majority-Black and ethnically diverse orchestra and how transformational that has been. Raye speaks openly about her mental health, expressing why few musicians emerge from conservatoire unscathed. She speaks about how she sought professional support, including CBT in the past few years and about her experience with seasonal affective disorder.

More about Raye:

Raye Harvey is a Manchester based violinist and singer-songwriter who completed her undergraduate degree at the RNCM and is currently finishing a PGCEi with Music Masters. Coming from a large Indian-Caribbean family, Raye loves travel, collaboration and working in many different genres. As well as teaching, she performs extensively as an orchestral and session musician, including with the Ignition Orchestra, on the Brand New Heavies newest album and internationally with the Chineke! Orchestra. Raye is passionate about making music accessible for all and increasing diversity in Classical music. She also recently released her debut self-titled EP “Lakshmi”, and was made BBC Introducing Hereford and Worcester’s Artist of the Week.

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