
Getting sick is such a bummer. Not only can it disrupt your life plans, but it can also throw a wrench into your weight loss consistency.

We stop exercising. We start eating carby comfort foods. We stop paying attention to our goals.

Then as we get better we really don't feel as focused as we did before we got sick.

Am I right?

This episode of Thin Thinking was inspired by listeners begging me for some strategies to stay consistent during a time of illness. 

I get into simple and doable strategies to stay consistent with your weight release through your illness or health setback. Come get equipped to keep on staying healthy with your weight release even when you are not feeling 100%.

Grab your hand sanitizer and come on in!


The 30-Day Shift Weight Mastery Self-Study Process–2 for 1 Offer

Enroll in the hypnosis-based weight release program now and get access to the LIVE Online Shift Weight Process in Spring or Autumn led by Rita Black for no additional fee.

PLUS FREE BONUS PROGRAM: Weight Mastery Express–Hypnosis for Exercise, Portions, Mindless eating, Drinking and more!  When you enroll now.

Learn more here.


In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

The three interrupters in our weight release when we are sick or ill  How you can trick your mind into thinking that you are still doing some exercise even when you are sick  What you can consume when you are sick that will help you stay on track with your weight release


Links Mentioned in the Episode:

The 30-Day Shift Weight Mastery Self-Study Process–2 for 1 Offer Join my FREE Masterclass: "How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good." Sign up for the FREE HYPNOSIS DOWNLOAD : Shift Out of Sugar Cravings My book, From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss (Includes a 30-day hypnosis process.) What would you love to hear about on the podcast? Click here and let me know Subscribe to the email list so that you never miss an episode! Get more thin thinking tools and strategies