Do you find yourself constantly taking care of others but rarely finding time for your own self-care?

It's a common challenge for many of us. We dedicate ourselves to our roles as parents, employees, caregivers, and volunteers, often leaving no room for personal rejuvenation.

And even when we do consider taking that much-needed time for ourselves, we often feel guilty or ashamed.

The result? We become depleted and may turn to food for comfort, using overindulgence as our only treat.

So for this week's episode of the Thin Thinking Podcast, we are joined by our special guest, Dr. Zerri Gross, an international bestselling author, licensed marriage and family therapist, trauma-informed yoga instructor, and mindfulness facilitator, who will guide us through the essential topic of self-care.

Dr. Z will help us understand the importance of prioritizing self-care and more importantly, how to overcome the guilt and shame associated with it. She'll show us how to carve out time for rest, rejuvenation, and what she calls "reclamation of ourselves."

She also shares valuable insights on reclaiming self-care time and connecting with your inner goddess, regardless of gender. (Yes, gentlemen, you have an inner goddess too—who knew?)

If you are ready for an inspiring and empowering conversation, and if you are ready to take that transformative step forward and make time for YOU, then come on in! 


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You can listen to my weekly podcast on the following platforms, where you can also leave your review! 

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In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

What made Dr. Z decide to get into self-care and help other businesses. The shifting that happens when you start taking care of yourself. The different chakras and how Dr. Z uses it to help her clients. 


Links Mentioned in the Episode:

Dr. Zerry Gross Time Management EBook Join my FREE Masterclass:  "How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good." Sign up for the FREE HYPNOSIS DOWNLOAD : Shift Out of Sugar Cravings My book, From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss (Includes a 30-day hypnosis process.) What would you love to hear about on the podcast? Click here and let me know Subscribe to the email list so that you never miss an episode! Get more thin thinking tools and strategies