Are you tired of going out to eat and feeling like you've undone all of your hard work towards a healthier lifestyle? 

Studies have shown that we consume an extra 250-500 calories when eating out...Yikes!

With summer around the corner--travel plans and eating out with friends, it's more important than ever to develop a healthy restaurant mindset.

That's why in this episode of Thin Thinking, we've got you covered. 

From pre-soup to post-nuts and everything in between, we'll guide you through strategies to help you stay on track while dining out. With a little thin thinking sprinkled in for flavor, you can enjoy your meal without sabotaging your health goals.

As someone who has traveled and worked in the service industry, I know that dining customs vary all over the world. But regardless of where you are, our tips and tricks will help you make healthier choices no matter what the menu looks like.

So whether you're heading out for a quick bite or a fancy dinner, grab your menu and tune in to this episode of Thin Thinking. Your waistline will thank you!


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In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

Three solid strategies for eating out. Strategies on how you can still enjoy a night out without over drinking alcohol. A quick little version exervice for you. 


Links Mentioned in the Episode:

Join my FREE Masterclass:  "How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good." Sign up for the FREE HYPNOSIS DOWNLOAD : Shift Out of Sugar Cravings My book, From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss (Includes a 30-day hypnosis process.) What would you love to hear about on the podcast? Click here and let me know Subscribe to the email list so that you never miss an episode! Get more thin thinking tools and strategies