Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, Welcome! 

Game Life - We talk about the reality of hobby boardgaming integrating into our everyday lives.

Larry is moving, really moving! We get into some things that a gamer may face as they prepare for a new place to call home! 


First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts in writing and on the show. This segment will contain BOTH, so deliver the cliffs notes on the show to be discussed, then point to WHO has submitted deeper thoughts on the blog (can be either or both!)


It's a Wonderful Kingdom By Frédéric Guérard Published by La Boîte de Jeu  Released in 2022

That Thing you Do  -  Things that the modern boardgaming hobby is doing that we love Vs. things that we do not.


This time we walk manufacturing trends.


Larry - 

Love: Inserts purpose built - yay!!! 



Throwing as much into the game design mechanism wise as possible










Music:  As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!


Outro : 

De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball

Original Track - The Phantom Forest

Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin

Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix

Content Group - Final Fantasy VI

Original Copyright - Square Enix

Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu