Intro Banter - This is the (mostly) unscripted intro to the show! We catch up, play games, talk about games that perhaps did not make the main show, and just gab, W

Under the Hood:  We roll up our sleeves and talk about games from the perspective of their mechanics! The mechanisms that are present and cover what some of the buzzwords may mean. 


This Time: Dungeon Crawls


Some Characteristics of the genre: 

Miniatures / Token based movement on hexes, squares, etc. Party or solo hero exploring a structure filled with foes Loot and treasure system highly developed Multi step player turns High degree of Player customization  Increasing difficulty Specialty dice or handfuls of dice to be thrown Customizable maps Environmental challenges to be overcome as well Campaign play that sees your heroes tell a story Skirmish modes may be present as well Highly involved combat (many stat checks, die rolls, etc.)


Dungeons and Dragons Adventure System Board games

Sword and Sorcery

One Deck Dungeon

Zombicide: Invader

Space Hulk: Death Angel

Space Infantry


Lost Legends


Descent:Journeys in the Dark  

Shadows of Brimstone

First Impressions – We talk about the first time with a title, from the acquisition to the first look, to the first play and deliver thoughts on the show. 


Alex  - Cascadia By Randy Flynn Published by Flatout Games Released in 2021

Alex - Cubitos By John D. Clair Published by Alderac Entertainment Group Released in 2021

Larry - Parks By Henry Audubon Published by Keymaster Games Released in 2019

Late to the Party- We talk about games that are established in the hobby that we are just now playing. 


Alex - Space base By John D. Clair Published by Alderac Entertainment Group Released in  2018


Larry  - Potion Explosion By Stefano Castelli, Andrea Crespi, Lorenzo Silva Published by Horrible Guild Released in 2015





Music:  As always from the amazing community of gifted musicians, arrangers, and composers over at go visit and support them for the full project and so much more amazing music!


Outro : 

De Nuit / by mv feat. Jeff Ball

Original Track - The Phantom Forest

Album - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin

Project Page - Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin | OC ReMix

Content Group - Final Fantasy VI

Original Copyright - Square Enix

Original Composers - Nobuo Uematsu