Today's guest is JC Mac. We apologies for the sound quality in places which was due to the conversation being recorded over a mobile broadband device rather than a fixed landline connection, but hey that's the amazing thing about technology, you can speak to anybody anywhere.

Anyhow, JC has an amazing story to tell regarding his own first hand experience stepping outside of the confines of duality and experiencing ALL THAT IS, beyond linear time and space, basically the true you, me I, what...... It's hard to describe without putting a label on it.

Anyway here is JC's info below but please do check out the show and hear it from him first hand. Enjoy Xx Ian
(Click play on the audio player above)

What Happened

On August 15th 2005 while hanging up the phone one day JC suddenly began crying for no reason and could not stop. As the crying continued a sensation of pins and needles and rushing water began to move down through his head and up through his arms and legs. The experience became so intense he ended up on the floor believing he was about to die from either a stroke or a heart attack.

The fear of death consumed him and in a last desperate attempt he began to chant and pray. As the experience intensified he remembered a saying from one of his teaches, "all fear is illusion walk straight ahead" so he began to surrendered more and more. Then like a set of falling dominos he let go of everything in life. First he surrendered his body and mind then his children, his business, everything he had accomplished through out his life, his family, friends, the past the future and finally the fear of death itself. Then just as quickly as the energy had consumed him it disappeared, leaving him in a state of what he can only describe as a living silent still bliss and a peace beyond anything he could have ever imagined.

The state was so intense that he continued to cry almost every day for the next year while witnessing the absolute beauty of what he now knows as the love of God. The experience left him unable to function in normal life and even the smallest of tasks became cumbersome and difficult. All thinking disappeared for extended periods resulting in the inability to eat, wash, move and speak.

The world of time and space disappeared, movement slowed down and all things radiated and communicated the energy of all of life. Nothing had any more importance or value than anything else and there was no longer a hierarchy or separation to life, everything was exactly how it was supposed to be, in a state of absolute perfection. After some years of integration the state began to settle and he was able to rejoin the world and function for the benefit of the highest good. The perception and noise of linear life was replaced by a silent still awareness that remains with him to this day.