Today's show was put together from recent feedback provided by our listeners.

Topics discussed: Autism in conjunction with Foods and chemicals, Ghost Boxes or EVP devices, Philadelphia Experiment feedback, Affects of Radio Waves, WI-FI and Micro Waves on our children. Gregory's Thirst for Spiritual Knowledge, is it normal for beings in spirit to know so much?.

Listener Question:
"Over the months of listening in to your broadcasts, I have become fascinated by the beautiful and wise soul Gregory. Gregory may not be happy talking about himself but I would love to know a little more about him. His range of knowledge is so huge - both of spiritual matters and current and past events on earth, to the extent of knowing the current activities of those who have now passed to spirit.

Can Gregory explain the following?

"Is it normal for a highly evolved spirit to have such a range of knowledge of understanding or does he have a particular thirst for knowledge or, indeed, is the knowledge of others instantly available to him to tap into to enable him to respond so wisely and fully to your wide-ranging questions?

Is it usual for those in spirit to keep themselves informed of what is currently happening on the earth plane?

What is the nature of his work in spirit?

In the last broadcast, Gregory mentioned that certain food groups eaten by pregnant women could result in autism or mental imbalance in the baby - would or could he explain which food groups are responsible, please?"

EVP - Ghost Boxes
Toys R Us in the US have been selling Ouija Boards marketed specially for children, kitted out in pink boxes to lure youngsters to play with them. Even more worrying is the advent of the Ghost Box which is an EVP device much like a radio. You basically ask it a question and then quite spookily an answer will come back to you through the white noise generated by the device.

Gregory raised serious concerns using such a mechanism to connect with spirit and your guides. The bottom line is, the only type of beings you're going to connect with are of a negative nature. Your spirit guides and love one's would never come through in this way. The issue is that the being will try to impress you by building your trust but its ultimate goal is to attach itself to you and then gain power by putting you through fearful situations.

And much more...