Avatar The Real (Earth) Story Part II
With Gregory Haye from The White Cloud Group

In today's show we expanded on the message that was used in the recent YouTube video we produced called "Avatar The Real Story". The message within the video was taken from an archived show from early last year (2009). We created the video after the watching the film Avatar as we wanted to wake people up to the sad fact that this story is actually playing out here on planet Earth.

Quote: "The indigenous cultures are now banding together to help usher in a world of peace. However, these peaceful peoples have been fighting a secret war with corporate groups and government's hell bent on destroying their land for oil and other minerals. Many people have been killed on both sides of this secret war. However nothing is being reported in the controlled main stream media. It's important that we all get the word out. We can't afford more areas of our rain forests to be destroyed by these people as it will tip the balance even quicker."

Haiti, Earthquakes and increasing risk in other places
We discussed the tragic events that took place in Haiti this week where the region was struck by a massive 7.00 magnitude Earthquake sadly taking the lives of a great number of people. Gregory talked about further issues with huge Earthquakes being on the rise due to cyclic reasons within the Earth. Great stresses are still building up in other areas so we have to be vigilant and learn the lessons in helping and rescuing people from the Haiti quake.
Risk to other areas include Alberta, California and Alaska and other southern areas of the Pacific rim.

Ley Lines, Vortexes, OBE's and NDE's
Gregory talked about the grid network of Ley Lines that cover the planet. Many religious buildings sit on the convergence points. The energies are used by many animals; humans can tap in the energies for higher states of consciousness and creativity. Conversely there are negative Lines via running streams that if running under a house or building can cause adverse affects for those inside.

We also talked about Vortexes and how they are used by dimensional energies or spirit communication. Also how these vortexes are also used for the consciousness of a person to move their focus/mind back to the higher planes of consciousness/reality.

And much more...