Strange Lights in the Sky
At the start of the show Ian briefly shared with Gregory an experience he had straight after recording the last show, where he witnessed very strange lights in the sky. The lights seemed to coincide with a solar flare that was due to hit the atmosphere on the 19th of January, the night of the show. Gregory shared his thoughts on this event with the listeners. It seems the event was a combination of a new strange weather anomaly, mentioned by Gregory in a previous show where we will start to see a new type of silent lighting. Plus the added affects of particles hitting the atmosphere from the solar event.

Aura and Chakra System
Gregory gave his views on the Chakra system and how every living thing has the same system in place, providing us with many dimensional viewpoints/expressions to work with. Some very interesting areas covered in discussing this topic.

Orbs seem to be a relatively new phenomenon with the advent of digital technology. Ian asked if it was the new camera's producing the Orbs or if Orbs really do now exist. Gregory thankfully confirmed that the majority of Orbs captured are Spirit. Apparently it's not the new digital camera's allowing them to be picked up, it's just a new way for to make themselves known to us, as our interest in sprit grows. A century ago it was much easier for spirit to fully manifest, such as the case of Physical Medium Helen Duncan, providing ectoplasm to allow spirit to form. However due to high electromagnetic pollution brought about by our technological savvy world, it's much harder for full manifesting to take place, as it takes a lot more energy. It's much easier for spirit to generate energy in plasma disks. Sometimes, even manifesting their faces in to the plasma disk.

Near Death Experience / Life Review / OBEs
We then moved onto the topic of Near-Death-Experience where many people temporally pass in to spirit and meet loved ones or spiritual figures. The person is then subsequently taken through a life review process via their Akashic book, experiencing in some cases every action, thought and consequence of their actions on others.

Gregory and the group gave us a wonderful insight into what it is to be enlightened or to become enlightened. Many people are attempting to go through this process, part of the spiritual awakening/revolution we are going through. In a sense just being in that state of bliss is a form of enlightenment whether you're a yogi in deep meditation or somebody in the later years of your life just being in peaceful and blissful state, happy and balanced in who they are and in what they have done. We discussed how this can also be achieved even living spiritually active lives, we don't have to be monks in a monastery to achieve this. Another topic was Bi-location which some spiritual masters seem to be able to do.

Being Human
At the end of the show we touched on other who don't have the same negative and positive experience of consciousness that we have to go through. Their state of being and intelligence is a marvel to watch. Apparently even a being the size of a dot had the most amazing Akashic book to read from the halls of learning, showing a completely different way of being.