Person Centred Care
Today, I'm with Samantha Lasota of Willowstone Care, a nurse led service, based in Chesterfield.

Willowstone Care offers a very high standard of home care, palliative, rehabilitation, recovery and bespoke packages of specialist 24hr care.

Samantha is the Clinical Director and Owner of Willowstone and is very focused in providing care to a variety of clients. she's nurse trained and is determined to offer quality of life and enrichment to all her clients .

We'll be asking Sam about her role, what motivates her? What challenges in care are coming to our ageing society and what we can do to help prepare for our future care.

Finally, I'll be asking Sam about what she does to chill out from her demanding role and how she fits in family life around all she does for her community

Icebreaker Question: How is living longer going to impact on this country's care provision as we age?
What have people got to think about to prepare themselves?

This has been a production for Maison Frais Ltd- Stay In The Home You Love.