The Journey of the Mind
Dealing with mental health issues.

Maggie Jackson from 'Think Differently'- A therapy training, coaching, team building and consultancy for individuals and professionals, based in North Notts

Think Differently can provide support with emotional, pay hological and me tal wellbeing as you journey through life.

These can include trying to make sense of our ageing processes, that to some can become frightening and confusing. In a rapidly ageing population in the UK, Maggie's services have ne we been more in demand tocope with people's changing circumstances- reduced mobility, bereavement, empty-nest syndrome, finding purpose after retirement. The leit motif of " loss" and how to turn this feeling around into something to be embraced and faced with positivity

I'll be asking Maggie what motivates her to help people? What she enjoys about her role? And what she personally does herself to live her most authentic and healthy self?

Q: " Do you think we are more prepared to talk about our own struggles with mental health, or do you find examples of stigma about it?"