On this episode of the podcast, Roslyn discusses Mental Health Awareness Month. She talks about the definition of mental health, how it looks, what to expect if you might be dealing with some mental health challenges, and gives some tips on how you can become overall mentally well. Be on the lookout this month for episodes that discuss mental health, wellness, and strategies that you can implement to improve your mental health.

Make sure to follow Roslyn on Instagram: www.instagram.com/roslynrene

Join Roslyn's Email List for Christ Couch: https://bit.ly/joinhere2020

Need a therapist: http://www.helpmefindatherapist.com

Resources Mentioned: 
Why Mental Health Matters to God : https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNbZzk-FkXB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 
What is Mental Health: https://www.mentalhealth.gov/basics/what-is-mental-health 
Suicide Hotline Number: 800-273-8255 

Commercial Links
Sign Up for my email list and receive a free 3-day Mini Course on "How to Overcome Overwhelm": https://expert-thinker-4209.ck.page/910ef23980

Time with God Course: https://www.roslynrene.com/timewithGod

Therapy Reflection Journal: https://www.roslynrene.com/journal

Book a call with me: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18455604 

Help Me Find a Therapist Webinar: https://www.roslynrene.com/product-page/help-me-find-a-therapist-webinar-companion-guide