On this episode of the podcast Roslyn speaks with Felica Thomas about how to build a relationship with God.  They both discuss how religion can impact the way we view God and give testimonies about their experiences with overcoming religion.

Make sure to follow Roslyn on Instagram: www.instagram.com/roslynrene

Join Roslyn's Email List for Christ Couch: https://bit.ly/joinhere2020

Need a therapist: http://www.helpmefindatherapist.com

Felica's Information:

Subscribe to Felica's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChGXMAwB7qbjFrKoW5ELrVQ

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Time with God Course: https://www.roslynrene.com/timewithGod

Therapy Reflection Journal: https://www.roslynrene.com/journal

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Help Me Find a Therapist Webinar: https://www.roslynrene.com/product-page/help-me-find-a-therapist-webinar-companion-guide