Burnout, the feeling of complete mental, physical and emotional exhaustion, is often associated with work stress. Yet in our experience it’s all connected - an overwhelming state that impacts every aspect of our lives. 

Often, we don’t recognise the red flags or early warning signs of burnout and instead try to push ourselves to keep going. We might feel like we’re failing or not coping and try to manage our symptoms rather than addressing the underlying cause… which is often related to being out of alignment with our deeper needs and purpose.

Since we’ve both recently been through the experience of burnout, we decided to gather together in person to share our favourite hot cacao and reflect on how we navigated the experience, what we learned from it and how we regained our sense of vitality. 

If you’re feeling exhausted, flat, foggy, unfocused, lacking in motivation, angry, irritable and as though you have nothing left to give - then this episode is for you. 

We chat about:

What burnout is and how it’s a sign that we’re out of alignment (1:30)Our personal experience of burnout including the signs we ignored, why it’s important to pay attention to our dreams when we’re burnout, what we learned from the experience and what remains when everything is burnt away (5:00)How we can still get burnt out doing things we love, including mothering (27:00)The link between “should” and burnout and the healing power of following your curiosity (30:00)Navigating burnout as a parent (33:00)Embracing burnout as an opportunity to connect with our deeper self and do life differently (39:00)

… and so much more!


This Jungian Life on BurnoutPsychology Today on Burnout The Reconnected Naked, Covered in Ram’s Blood, Drinking a Coke, and Feeling Pretty Good by Andrew Solomon 

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