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Flux Podcasts (Formerly Theory of Change)

263 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 38 ratings

Flux is a media platform for change, with smart and fun podcasts like Theory of Change, Doomscroll, and So This Just Happened.

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Social media moderation standards are more about epistemology than technology

June 10, 2023 21:23 - 1 hour - 78.8 MB

EPISODE SUMMARY The internet is so commonplace that we rarely step back and think about how completely different today’s information climate is than even 30 years ago. News travels in seconds and oftentimes percolates even beforehand in the millions of tiny online communities that live on their own websites or within larger social media platforms like Facebook. Even elementary school children know how to easily sift through the world’s knowledge. But as much as things have changed, things ...

Theory of Change #073: David Masciotra on the ‘fanfiction left’

June 03, 2023 22:21 - 1 hour - 79.5 MB

In recent years, we have seen the rise of a new kind of left-wing pundit, one whose audience consists almost entirely of right-wingers. And there is a good reason for that. Almost every one of these people do nothing but criticize Democrats, despite calling themselves progressives or liberal. There's a long history of this on the political left, and this phenomenon exists in other countries as well, like the UK and Canada. What motivates people who started off with some sort of leftish pol...

Encore: Angie Maxwell on how Confederate Christianity took over the Republican party

May 26, 2023 17:32 - 1 hour - 63.1 MB

(This episode first premiered August 28, 2021.) A lot of people know about the “Southern Strategy,” the multi-year plan of 20th century Republicans like Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon to get white voters in the South to stop voting for Democrats. But what isn’t widely known is that the GOP itself was changed by the electoral coalition that it attracted. While lingering support for racial segregation played an important role in flipping the South toward the Republican Party, the voters w...

Theory of Change #072: Matthew Remski on Marianne Williamson and the strange hybrid worldview of self-help

May 20, 2023 17:32 - 1 hour - 63.1 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Since the widespread acceptance of the scientific method emerged in the 19th century, most people like to think of their ideas as based on sound reasoning and rational principles. But it’s also the case that many of us also want to believe that there are things that people in olden times figured out. Depending on whom you ask, ancient people had the answers about what a moral life looks like, how to a...

Theory of Change #071: Phil Christman on Rod Dreher and Christian radicalization

May 13, 2023 09:49 - 47 minutes - 43.9 MB

Everything we do, think, or feel is based 100 percent on rational thinking. Or at least that’s what we tell ourselves. The truth, however, is that we humans often act based more on psychological impulse than on intellectual reason. That underlying reality is one of the main reasons why so many Americans who adhere to strict religious belief in their own lives have been willing and even happy to support Donald Trump, a man who is as amoral as he is irreligious. We’ve talked many times here ...

Theory of Change #070: Dan Gillmor and Darius Kazemi on Mastodon, the Fediverse, and decentralizing the internet

May 06, 2023 08:04 - 1 hour - 66.4 MB

With each passing day, Elon Musk is making Twitter worse. He’s done everything from allowing neo-Nazis and trolls to come back after being banned to locking out developers and academics who want to use Twitter’s Application Programing Interface or API to make interesting and important projects. A lot of people have had enough and they’re heading for the exits to places like Spoutible, Substack, and Post. The most popular destination by far, however, has been Mastodon. Just recently, Mastodo...

Theory of Change #069: Elisa Shearer on why people listen to podcasts

April 29, 2023 18:31 - 16 minutes - 14.7 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Everyone seems to have a podcast nowadays, actors, athletes, comedians, and even politicians. You clearly like them since you’re here right now, and thank you for that. But what do other people think about podcasts? Well, the Pew Research Center just came out with new report about podcasts and how people are listening and watching them. Joining us to talk about that is Elisa Shearer. She is a senior ...

Encore: Christopher Douglas on how evangelicals turned politics into Bible fan-fiction

April 22, 2023 05:23 - 1 hour - 57.9 MB

Most people aren’t preoccupied with Satan, demons, or the end of the world. But like it or not, many Americans are greatly concerned with these topics. A 2010 poll from the Pew Research Center found that 58 percent of white evangelical Christian adults surveyed believed that Jesus Christ would return to the earth within the next 40 years. That was significantly higher than any other religious group. Just 32 percent of Catholic respondents agreed, for instance. Speculating about how the worl...

Theory of Change #068: Timothy Shenk on what history can teach us about making political change

April 15, 2023 16:51 - 1 hour - 78.1 MB

American politics is becoming increasingly destabilized by far right radicalism. But this escalation is actually the symptom of an even bigger problem: That our two major political parties have been stuck in a trench warfare system for decades. It's been nearly 40 years since a presidential candidate won more than 55 percent of the national popular vote. It's been 51 years since someone had more than 60 percent. In all this time, neither party has been able to create a mass movement for th...

Most movements to make political change fail, what do the ones that succeed have in common?

April 15, 2023 16:51 - 1 hour - 78.1 MB

Episode Summary American politics is becoming increasingly destabilized by far right radicalism. But this escalation is actually the symptom of an even bigger problem: That our two major political parties have been stuck in a trench warfare system for decades. It’s been nearly 40 years since a presidential candidate won more than 55 percent of the national popular vote. It’s been 51 years since someone had more than 60 percent. In all this time, neither party has been able to create a mas...

Theory of Change #067: Stephen Clermont on public opinion and AI

April 08, 2023 13:47 - 1 hour - 60.2 MB

We've been talking a lot here on Theory of Change about artificial intelligence, both the implications of it from a technological standpoint and also how it works. This is something that is going to create a fundamental change in our society, and that's irrespective of whatever improvements to the technologies will be developed in the future. Regardless of what you think about artificial general intelligence (AGI) or super intelligence, whatever you want to call it, the reality is that the ...

Theory of Change #066: Simon Willison on technical and practical applications of ChatGPT and AI

April 01, 2023 21:25 - 1 hour - 64.7 MB

Artificial intelligence is all over the news of late. People are using it to compose silly poems and making images of dogs driving cars. There’s also a lot of hype for the technology with some putative experts claiming we’re on the verge of sentient robots seeking to destroy us all. There are also a lot of naysayers who claim that the generative AIs that are out there like ChatGPT or Midjourney are nothing but toys and are just useless creators of junk. The truth, however, is somewhere in-b...

Theory of Change #065: Jeff Schatten and Gary N. Smith on AI and its implications

March 25, 2023 09:23 - 28 minutes - 26.5 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Artificial intelligence, or at least what we’re calling it, is everywhere in today’s world. Up until very recently, however, most of the software and services using AI haven’t gotten much public attention, and that’s because the primary users of AI historically have been governments, militaries, and giant corporations, all of which have one thing in common— huge amounts of data and huge responsibiliti...

Theory of Change #064: Philip Bump on Baby Boomers and what comes next

March 18, 2023 08:39 - 49 minutes - 45.6 MB

The religious, political, and racial divides in contemporary America are some of the biggest they’ve been in our history, but there’s another one that doesn’t get nearly as much attention—generational divides. But age-based differences in political attitudes are becoming increasingly important as the Baby Boom generation—the first named generation in America and still its largest in history—is in its latter years. Boomers completely reshaped the United States: culturally, politically, econo...

Theory of Change #063: Justin Baragona and Diana Falzone on Dominion's Fox Files

March 11, 2023 16:29 - 53 minutes - 48.7 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Rupert Murdoch, the Australian-American media tycoon has accumulated billions of dollars since his Fox News Channel has been in existence. It’s done it by monetizing and stoking the rage of a large segment of the public against their fellow Americans through tens of thousands of contrived controversies like “The War on Christmas,” and constant obsessions over cartoon characters from SpongeBob SquarePa...

Dominion’s Fox lawsuit has incontrovertibly exposed that Fox isn’t news

March 11, 2023 16:29 - 53 minutes - 48.7 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Rupert Murdoch, the Australian-American media tycoon has accumulated billions of dollars since his Fox News Channel has been in existence. It’s done it by monetizing and stoking the rage of a large segment of the public against their fellow Americans through tens of thousands of contrived controversies like “The War on Christmas,” and constant obsessions over cartoon characters from SpongeBob SquarePa...

The Christian Right was a theological rebellion against modernity before it became a force for Republicans

March 05, 2023 04:09 - 49 minutes - 45.5 MB

After decades of neglect, there is finally a large and growing body of scholarship and journalism about the Religious Right, the powerful Christian Nationalist movement that rules the Republican Party from the heights of the Supreme Court bench down to the municipal voting precinct. While there is a great deal of excellent research and reporting on the movement, it overwhelmingly tends to focus on the Christian Right as a political phenomenon and not as much as a religious one. As a result,...

Theory of Change #062: David Hollinger on the theological origins of the Christian Right

March 05, 2023 04:09 - 49 minutes - 45.5 MB

After decades of neglect, there is finally a large and growing body of scholarship and journalism about the Religious Right, the powerful Christian Nationalist movement that rules the Republican Party from the heights of the Supreme Court bench down to the municipal voting precinct. While there is a great deal of excellent research and reporting on the movement, it overwhelmingly tends to focus on the Christian Right as a political phenomenon and not as much as a religious one. As a result,...

Theory of Change #061: Wajahat Ali on finding truce between religion and equality

February 26, 2023 05:07 - 35 minutes - 32 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community After neoliberalism took over the Democratic Party in the 1990s, American politics shrank. We were no longer debating what the government should do for us, or even if it should do anything at all, for the most part. Instead, our politics focused on who are we, especially in regards to the question of who is American? Who are we and who do we want to be? These are questions that are old as time itself...

Theory of Change #060: Seyward Darby and Katherine Abughazaleh on the sexuality of reaction

February 19, 2023 04:12 - 54 minutes - 50 MB

One of the stranger things that’s happened in right wing media since Donald Trump emerged on the political scene is how obsessed with sex many far right figures have become. Andrew Tate, a former kickboxer, is one of many reactionary lifestyle influencers who preach a gospel of misogyny that they claim will lead followers to easy sex and money. Sex and birthrates are one of the most frequent topics you hear about on white nationalist and neo-Nazi podcasts. Some of this is surely due to the ...

Theory of Change #059: Douglas Rushkoff on the doomsday fantasies of billionaires

February 11, 2023 23:58 - 30 minutes - 27.7 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Episode Summary For a number of years, surveys from every pollster have found that most Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. Surveys in other countries like the UK have found the same. And it doesn't matter which party or person is in charge. We live in interesting times. And that's not a good thing. In the past several episodes of Theory of Change, we've been talking about ...

Theory of Change #058: Nils Gilman on how the "designer economy" will replace neoliberalism

February 05, 2023 02:07 - 28 minutes - 26.2 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community The rise of politicized religion and popular concerns about globalization have led to dramatic increases in political extremism in the United States and many other countries in recent years. But another huge factor has been the shrinking of what people feel like they can expect from their government. For about the last 30 years or so, most countries with mature industrial economies have been ruled by...

Theory of Change #057: David Golumbia on the political ideology behind Bitcoin and crypto

January 28, 2023 16:51 - 41 minutes - 38.1 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community “The personal is political” was one of the early rallying cries of the Second Wave feminist movement. Decades later, the universal adoption of the internet has led to a new culture around cryptocurrencies with an ethos that could be summarized via similar phrasing: “The personal financial is political.” After decades of languishing in rightful obscurity, extreme forms of anti-government libertarianis...

Theory of Change #056: Richard Barbrook on libertarianism, neoliberalism and "Californian Ideology"

January 22, 2023 09:22 - 1 hour - 67.3 MB

The future is a funny thing. It’s always around the corner and yet it never quite arrives. That’s certainly true when speaking about the technology industry. As the personal computer revolution and the internet began spreading around the world, commentators and entrepreneurs made fortunes telling everyone that we were going to have a technological utopia in which everything was possible. It was a parallel to what was happening in the political world, where the collapse of the Soviet Union i...

Theory of Change #055: Lisa Curry on comedians crying "cancel culture"

January 14, 2023 10:00 - 1 hour - 45.3 MB

Comedy has always been about pointing out the absurd and unjust things in life, but lately, a lot of veteran comedians have taken to complaining about their business more than anything else. Long-time standup comics like Dave Chapelle and Ricky Gervais are oftentimes at war with their own audiences, accusing them of being intolerant of dissent and killing off comedy. Is there anything at all to that critique? Or is it mostly about older comedians not wanting to update their material? In thi...

Male popular culture is obsolete, and many men are suffering because of it

January 08, 2023 17:22 - 50 minutes - 34.6 MB

One of the biggest social changes since the 1960s has been the empowerment of women to make personal choices, to control who they date, whether they’re married, and when or if they have children. While society and popular culture aimed at women seem to have embraced many of these changes, the unfortunate reality is that popular culture aimed at men has not kept pace. Instead of encouraging adaptation and teaching new social and professional skills, cultural influencers who aim for the male ...

Theory of Change #054: Brandon Bradford on America's masculinity crisis

January 08, 2023 17:22 - 50 minutes - 34.6 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community One of the biggest social changes since the 1960s has been the empowerment of women to make personal choices, to control who they date, whether they’re married, and when or if they have children. While society and popular culture aimed at women seem to have embraced many of these changes, the unfortunate reality is that popular culture aimed at men has not kept pace. Instead of encouraging adaptation...

Theory of Change #053: Melissa Peltier on how Trump superfans changed their minds about him

December 12, 2022 06:42 - 1 hour - 43.3 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community We’ve talked a lot on Theory of Change about the growing threat of political extremism and how far-right activists are leveraging religion and business connections to build power over the minds of millions of Americans. And yet, despite all of that, it’s also the case that people can change. No matter how strong they hold their viewpoints today, no one was born with their opinions. Having been born a...

Theory of Change #052: Jonathan Friedman on America's censorship epidemic

December 05, 2022 05:06 - 35 minutes - 24.2 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community When you turn on your news app, YouTube, or television, chances are you’re going to be deluged with content about “cancel culture,” an amorphous term that no one ever actually defines, but seems to be about private citizens criticizing other private citizens. What you’re much less likely to hear about is that right now, America is facing an epidemic of censorship--actual government officials using t...

After envisioning themselves as centrists, tech billionaires like Elon Musk have moved to the far right

November 28, 2022 16:41 - 1 hour - 43.4 MB

Just as the 2020 elections were fading into America’s rear view mirror, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, cast the political and media worlds into chaos by taking ownership control over Twitter. Most people don’t use Twitter because they find it too weird and disjointed, but it is actually the place online where most of America’s political junkies: activists, politicians, and journalists come to talk. It all seems to have started as a joke, however. Musk offered to buy Twitter at a pr...

Theory of Change #051: Elon Musk, cryptocurrency, effective altruism, and libertarian radicalization

November 28, 2022 16:41 - 1 hour - 28.9 MB

Just as the 2020 elections were fading into America’s rear view mirror, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, cast the political and media worlds into chaos by taking ownership control over Twitter. Most people don’t use Twitter because they find it too weird and disjointed, but it is actually the place online where most of America’s political junkies: activists, politicians, and journalists come to talk. It all seems to have started as a joke, however. Musk offered to buy Twitter at a pr...

Theory of Change #051: Jacob Silverman and Chris Lehmann on Twitter, cryptocurrency, and libertarian radicalization

November 28, 2022 16:41 - 1 hour - 43.4 MB

Just as the 2020 elections were fading into America’s rear view mirror, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, cast the political and media worlds into chaos by taking ownership control over Twitter. Most people don’t use Twitter because they find it too weird and disjointed, but it is actually the place online where most of America’s political junkies: activists, politicians, and journalists come to talk. It all seems to have started as a joke, however. Musk offered to buy Twitter at a pr...

Theory of Change #050: Liz Dye on the many lawsuits against Alex Jones

September 26, 2022 00:29 - 50 minutes - 46.2 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Alex Jones, the far right talk radio host who pioneered the art of making money from internet conspiracy theories, is facing the worst moment of his career. It is quite possibly the apocalypse of Jones. After making up thousands of lies over a career spending decades, Jones is now starting to face consequences. In August, a jury in Austin, Texas, returned a damages verdict against Jones for defaming ...

Theory of Change #049: Brandi Collins-Dexter on why Democrats shouldn't take Black votes for granted

August 07, 2022 01:39 - 1 hour - 59.3 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Since the 1964 presidential election, Americans of African ancestry have voted overwhelmingly for Democratic presidential candidates. Republicans in most races usually get in the single digits, according to decades of opinion surveys. On the surface, it may seem like Black Americans have an undying loyalty to the Democratic party. But when you take a closer look, you see that there’s a much more comp...

Theory of Change #048: Molly Olmstead on how the Catholic right is doubling down on media

July 30, 2022 18:56 - 35 minutes - 24 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Protestant televangelists have been infamous for decades for their lavish lifestyles and nefarious scandals. They’ve also been extremely successful at promoting far-right political viewpoints to unsuspecting Protestants who just want to watch some devotional preaching. The radicalization of American evangelicalism has attracted some journalistic and scholarly attention, but it’s important to note tha...

Theory of Change #047: Alex Shephard on how Democrats aren't responding to the moment

July 24, 2022 00:55 - 1 hour - 57.4 MB

The far-right U.S. Supreme Court opinion overturning the right to abortion at the federal level was leaked to the public on May 3, but it wasn’t until July 7th that President Joe Biden unveiled any sort of meaningful action to protect access to federally approved abortion medications and to prohibit states from banning people from traveling across state lines to seek the procedure. The judicial activist writing was on the wall long before this, however, when the Christian fundamentalist Amy ...

Theory of Change #046: Max Berger on what the left can learn from the right

July 18, 2022 17:00 - 1 hour - 43.4 MB

American democracy is in crisis, much of it the direct product of Donald Trump, a petty scammer who managed to talk his way into the White House who was willing to overthrow our government after he lost in 2020. But the crisis of the present moment is larger than Trump himself. It’s also larger than the extremist political movement that calls itself “conservatism” in the United States. The political left is also in crisis, a crisis of stasis. Poll after poll has shown that Americans overwhel...

Theory of Change #045: David Neiwert on how the radical right is the mainstream right

July 16, 2022 01:44 - 1 hour - 41.8 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community The U.S. Supreme Court ignored decades of settled precedent about abortion access and women’s health care in a sweeping decision that rolled back the court’s 1973 decision Roe v. Wade. The ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is the culmination of decades of anti-abortion activism. But it’s only the beginning of what the radical right has in store for the country. Clarence Thomas, o...

Theory of Change #044: Cory Doctorow on anti-trust and the original promise of the internet

July 10, 2022 07:27 - 1 hour - 62.4 MB

It’s been almost 30 years since Mosaic, the first popular web browser was released in 1993. So much has changed, both technologically and socially, but what has the web wrought? In its earliest days, the internet was seen as a tool that would democratize information and greatly expand our ability to share knowledge and expression. That certainly has happened to a large degree, but humanity’s power structures seem to have adapted to the web as well, for good and ill. Thirty years after its ...

Theory of Change #043: Nicole Hemmer on how right-wing media holds American reaction together

July 03, 2022 01:01 - 57 minutes - 52.9 MB

Politics in the United States have been so incredibly erratic since 2015 when Donald Trump began his political career in earnest. His Much has been written and spoken about how Trump has transformed the Republican Party by empowering its large extremist faction, but it’s also the case that Donald Trump transformed the complex and large advocacy media apparatus that the American right has been building for itself since the 1940s. In fact, could argue that while more than a few Republican poli...

Low-quality pundits are getting rich telling people what they want to hear, inside the economics and psychology of how it works

June 28, 2022 06:04 - 56 minutes - 51.7 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community We certainly have our problems, but humans have come a long way since we emerged as a distinct species roughly 300,000 years ago. Most recently, the key to our progress has been the idea that you gain more knowledge by questioning what you know to begin with. Socrates’s idea of “questioning everything” was a great one. And it led to a lot more great ideas, chief among them? The scientific method of d...

Theory of Change #042: Matthew Browne on why internet gurus like Jordan Peterson became so popular

June 28, 2022 06:04 - 56 minutes - 51.7 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community We certainly have our problems, but humans have come a long way since we emerged as a distinct species roughly 300,000 years ago. Most recently, the key to our progress has been the idea that you gain more knowledge by questioning what you know to begin with. Socrates’s idea of “questioning everything” was a great one. And it led to a lot more great ideas, chief among them? The scientific method of d...

Theory of Change #042: Matthew Browne on why internet gurus became so popular

June 28, 2022 06:04 - 56 minutes - 51.7 MB

We certainly have our problems, but humans have come a long way since we emerged as a distinct species roughly 300,000 years ago. Most recently, the key to our progress has been the idea that you gain more knowledge by questioning what you know to begin with. Socrates’s idea of “questioning everything” was a great one. And it led to a lot more great ideas, chief among them? The scientific method of developing hypotheses and then testing them. It’s worked out great for us so far. But in the ...

Theory of Change #041: Matt Sienkiewicz & Nick Marx on the explosive growth of right-wing comedy

June 25, 2022 04:10 - 56 minutes - 51.9 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Like beauty, humor is in the eye of the beholder. That’s especially true in regards to political humor, where many on the left and the right seem to think that the opposition is literally incapable of being funny. Right wingers say liberals are too caught up in diversity and inclusion to take a joke. And left-wingers say that reactionaries are so enthralled with stupid ideas that they can’t really ma...

Theory of Change #040: Malynda Hale on why progressive and moderate Christians must stand up

June 13, 2022 02:39 - 1 hour - 62.5 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Big businesses and organizations are obsessed with branding, the idea of associating themselves in the public mind with a particular thing. But the most prominent branding operation in recent decades wasn’t in the realm of commerce. It was in the realm of religion, where well-funded activists succeeded at convincing millions of Americans that to be a good Christian meant you have to be on the far righ...

Theory of Change #039: Elle Hardy on how Pentecostalism is displacing other forms of Christianity

June 07, 2022 22:00 - 54 minutes - 50 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community We’ve talked a lot on Theory of Change about the political manifestations of fundamentalist Christian viewpoints in American politics, but the religious origins of these ideas are also important to understand. And right now there is no bigger force within American Christian fundamentalism than Pentecostalism, a movement of unaffiliated churches that together represent the fastest growing Christian sec...

Theory of Change #038: Gerardo Martí on how Latino evangelicalism is reshaping American politics

May 23, 2022 20:21 - 1 hour - 57.6 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community As we head into the 2022 mid-term elections and further on into the 2024 presidential election, one of the hottest topics in political strategy is where will Latino voters fit into the equation. Historically, Democrats have done better among Latinos, but in 2020, former president Donald Trump improved his share among the group by 8 percent—a development that ought to signal to political observers tha...

Theory of Change #037: Jen Senko on how her father escaped far-right media

May 15, 2022 19:01 - 55 minutes - 50.7 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community It’s well-known by now that disinformation media played a significant role in enabling the political rise of Donald Trump. But the truth is that far right media has been misinforming Americans for many decades. Fake news was a long thing before Facebook and other words. A lot of times, it’s hard for people who aren’t familiar with the topic to understand it in the broad sense, in terms of facts and ...

Theory of Change #036: Luke Savage on "The Dead Center"

May 13, 2022 17:40 - 1 hour - 59.4 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community As America barrels toward the 2022 midterm elections, polls have been indicating that Democrats could be in for some very bad news in November. Party strategists now are openly contemplating the likelihood of losing both the House and the Senate, which could lead to all sorts of other consequences. As many people know, the president’s party has historically done worse in off year elections, but it’s ...

Theory of Change #035: Daniel Cox on polling, demographics, and what parties know about their voters

April 07, 2022 02:10 - 52 minutes - 36.3 MB

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit theoryofchange.flux.community Contrary to the predictions of political consultants and commentators, both of America’s two major parties have continued to be politically relevant since the GOP broke a decades-long congressional losing streak in the 1994 midterm elections. The American government has been closely divided, with each party taking trifecta control of the government only a very few number of times. But even when they d...


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