Welcome the second story in the InDependent Spouse series. This week I've been talking to the wonderful Peter Mountford, Chairman of Heropreneurs and The Veterans' Foundation.

Heropreneurs is a unique UK registered charity that was founded in 2009 to help military veterans, and their dependants, on the road to creating their own businesses. At the heart of Heropreneurs is its highly effective Mentoring Programme – all its mentors are successful entrepreneurs and business people who give their time entirely for free. 

The Veterans’ Lottery donates more than 50% of ticket sales to UK charities through a series of grants. So far 50 charities have benefitted and in the next 12 months Peter expects that there will be over £1milion donated through the Veterans’ Foundation.

Peter himself is a successful chairman, financier, and active investor. He has been on the board of many companies and is a specialist in providing strategic advice. He is also one of the UK's experts in IPOs and has floated 3 of the most successful companies ever floated on the Alternative Investment Market.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed making it - Jess Sands, podcast host, business owner and military spouse