Welcome to this very first, and very special episode of the InDependent Spouse Podcast series. This week I've been talking to the amazing Heledd Kendrick, CEO and Founder of Recruit for Spouses.

Recruit for Spouses is a social enterprise, set up to help military wives and partners into employment, to work with employers to change mind-set, and to mentor the applicants while they’re job searching. The best part? Once you’ve got the job, they don’t just leave you there. They follow up with both applicant and employer to ensure that the placement is working for both parties.

Recruit for Spouses has aided over 5,000 spouses and partners of serving UK personnel gain employment all over the UK. Since 2009 Heledd and her team have shaped HR policy, and Heledd herself has won David Cameron’s Big Society Award, a Women in Defence award and has been granted a fellowship at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Heledd is a current Army wife and has built the company from her married quarter. She’s championing the talent of the military spouse with the MoD and with the team at Alexander Mann Solutions she is working with Recruit for Spouses to pioneer spousal employment.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed making it - Jess Sands, podcast host, business owner and military spouse