In this episode we speak with Nichole Wurth about building a healthy body image. Nichole is a coach, author, and speaker who shows women how to become BFF’s with their bodies. Because when a woman sees how awesome her body really is, she creates the life and body she’s always wanted, without force or willpower.

Nichole knows this to be true because it’s happened to her and thousands of her clients. Nichole's been coaching women since 2006, has written two books and has an 84% success rate.

When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they deserve, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her hubby, their son Wyatt and two dogs.

Learning Points:
• Wonderful apps for building a healthy mindset
• Why will-powering ourselves into a healthy body just won’t work
• Why respect is the key to achieving our healthy goals
• How we are innately tied to nature and the universe

Social Media:
Email: [email protected]