In this episode we speak with Dr. Cammy Benton about her vision for creating an integrative health care system for all.

Cammy Benton MD is a Functional Medicine trained MD who owns Benton Integrative Medicine, a holistic direct primary care office in Huntersville. She has studied integrative modalities since graduating medical school in 2000 to include nutrition, homeopathy, ayurveda and functional medicine. In recent years she is exploring more mind body and spirit paths to apply to her medical practice. Also, after the traumatic years of the pandemic, it became obvious to her the need to re-evaluate the current medical system and work on creating parallel medical systems. She is working with a team to create a mini Hospital, called Compass Integrative Health that has a fully integrative spin to help patients when they are their sickest to have the best of all of medicine. Her hobbies are learning about everything and finding more rabbit holes, dancing, enjoying time with her beloved Kyle Hall and eating dinner at home with her 4 children between kid sports. Her goal is to try to make the world a better place in every way she can and honor her path that God is providing for her.

Learning Points:

• How does allopathic medicine fail the patient?
• Why giving space for the patient story is crucial for healing?
• What is Dr. Benton’s vision for creating Integrative hospitals?