Isaiah Orozco went from making over a six-figure income to becoming an alcoholic and drug addict with legal problems and struggling with severe anxiety and depression, to eventually losing it all. He managed to climb out of the mud and build something much bigger and better than he had before. 

Isaiah is now making more income than ever before and is also helping others evaluating themselves to improve themselves mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He shares his own personal experience of childhood trauma and feeling lost without any direction or purpose.

He described how he moved to Denver to find himself, but instead he found himself hanging out with the wrong crowd, drinking, and doing drugs, losing his job, living out of his car, and ending up in jail without even knowing why. Isaiah confesses that he made a lot of bad choices, especially with his relationships, and describes his past self as standing on the ashes of burned bridges.

Download this powerful episode to hear his story, his incredible insights and lessons learned, how he rose out of the ashes to recreate himself, and how he now helps others do the same.