Episode 6: This episode is JAM PACKED with GEMS! We got the answers you want and need from the credit attorneys at our corporate office. So many people wants answers about credit and don't know what to believe. Well, we got our top questions asked by clients answered in the episode along with ways to get credit report errors corrected on your report. That is only the first part of the episode. You get to hear the story of my personal mentor who does over $1 Million dollars a month in business. Ajeya Hongo blessed us with her story and nuggets you won't want to miss. Listen in now!

 Artist Highlight: Mike De'Cole music on
>>Apple<<  and  >>Spotify<< or >>YouTube<< Catch his Social >>Instagram<<

Entrepreneur Corner: Ajeya Hongo - Single Mompreneur extraordinaire, Author, Business Woman and Mentor >>Instagram<<  and the book >>here<< 

Reach out to schedule a free credit consult or learn how you can start a business from your phone. Message us on the socials. We are always here to respond.

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Free Credit Tips  >>Here<<
Learn how to build a business from your phone and social media >>Here<<  

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