During The Bottom Line Show Live today learn

Why Most Practices Fail -- Or Make Matters Worse -- and How to END THIS DESTRUCTIVE PATTERN

> The REVOLUTIONARY PRINCIPLE for Manifesting Everything You Need, No Matter What Conditions You Face (This is a game-changer)

> The WEIRD PRACTICE for Getting Unstuck For Life and Unlocking Massive Abundance (once you understand this, you'll never be a victim of anything again)

> The REAL SECRET that Can Generate Rapid Wealth and Opportunity In Your Life (we'll flip the switch on your inner Power Plant live on the call) 

> The UNCONSCIOUS HABIT that Has Been Secretly Sapping You of Your Power and Control -- and How to Reverse It All

> The 7-STAGE PROCESS For Unleashing the Full Potential of Any Project or Area of Your Life!

Learn what's the difference between the law of attraction and the law of emergence. How to manifest and make changes immediately 

And much more...

?Derek is offering his ?free Law of Emergence e?B?ook ?to our audience during the interview:? www.lawofemergence.com/FreeReport

To Contact Derek or get more information contact www.DerekRydall.com

Get Emergencebook.com