Have you ever wondered how do I create a life that would have me feel more

 bliss, passion, energy, and health resulting from a huge love with a special someone? 

If I could only get my Love life in shape I would be in heaven. Or do you wonder is it even possible to fall in Love and maintain and grow a Love in a relationship that will last forever? Well if you been praying, seeking and searching for answers to these and more questions NEWSFLASH! 


Our Angel today on our show is Dr. Bruce Lipton PH.d. best selling author of the Revolutionary and mind expanding book The Biology of Belief who will share with us The Honeymoon Effect (newest book) is not just an accident or like a chance viewing of Halley's Comet but it IS something you can personally create! And that my friend is good news for you! Bruce will explain how you can manifest and create this for yourself and with absolute transparency he will share his own personal life experience which I am sure you will be able to relate with and how he created this for himself. He will also share the scientific back up information that will blow your mind. All of this from one of the worlds leading scientists who started off an atheist 30 years ago and through his medical/scientific career embraced and confirmed spirituality and the most powerful realm. The realm that cannot be seen with the naked eye. You are guaranteed to get some good vibrations during this broadcast and I bet at least one "AHA". 

Relax, let your concious mind enjoy some of the best auditory vitamins on the planet and tune in, tap in and turn on TheBottomLineShowLive.com (to access recorded show archive player anytime). This is a pre-broadcasted show. No callers into the studio at this time. AND Do go to G+ and +1 us and forward this show to a friend! Spread the Love, Peace and Love Always-P.a.L.a™