In part 2 of "The ABC's of Internet Law," I discuss the following topics:

Collecting Emails Outreach Emails Trademarks The Future of Internet Regulation International Enforcement

The key takeaways are as follows:

Compel your users to accept your terms of service using a checkbox and keep server logs.
 When you update terms and conditions, force your users to accept them before they can continue using your site.
 Use disclaimers on your pages when giving advice such as health or financial advice that can affect people’s lives.
 Clearly display an earnings disclosure on your site if you are earning affiliate income.
 Linking to the original source of an image does not cloak you in a veil of immunity when it comes to copyright liability.
 Don’t steal photos - take your own or use stock photos. 

Use a third party email platform such as Constant Contact or MailChimp as they force you to comply with SPAM laws.
 Register your brand as a trademark or risk losing it to someone else.

You can never go wrong when it comes to purchasing insurance. Be sure to purchase liability, trademark and a further umbrella insurance policy.