On this episode of The Ty Brady Way, Ty is joined by Jamie Hadfield, a former Miss Utah American and a passionate advocate for drug prevention. Jamie shares her harrowing experience of being kidnapped by armed men in Mexico. In broad daylight, she was surrounded by individuals wielding AK-47s, a surreal moment that thrust her into a state of terror. Despite being released hours later, Jamie's ordeal sheds light on the complex web of organised crime and the devastating impact of drug trafficking.


Reflecting on her upbringing in a bilingual, bicultural household, Jamie delves into the interconnectedness of drug demand in the United States and its ramifications in Mexico. Jamie emphasises the role of Americans as the primary consumers of drugs, fuelling the operations of cartels. Jamie draws attention to the humanitarian crisis at the border, sharing first-hand encounters with individuals who risk their lives to seek refuge in the United States, often falling victim to exploitation by traffickers.


Through her experiences, Jamie highlights the urgent need for comprehensive solutions to address drug addiction, organised crime, and immigration challenges. Jamie advocates for policies that prioritise humanitarian aid, border security, and drug prevention efforts to combat the multifaceted issues at the heart of the crisis.


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