My guest today is the lovely Linda Anderson, who shares a huge, scary turning point that made her ask herself fundamental questions about what she wanted from her life, and how she could move towards that - before it was too late.

In this conversation Linda shares incredible wisdom about how you can get out of your own way and start healing what holds you back.

About Linda

Linda is a Business Mindset Magician and EFT Tapping Coach who works with heart-centred business owners to clear out those hidden blocks to marketing and sales that make you procrastinate, wobble on your prices, hide behind the computer and play small.

On her Big Leap To Success 1-2-1 programme, Linda works with clients intuitively at a really deep level, to identify and let go of any hidden doubts and fears, so they finally feel confident and congruent getting themselves ‘out there’, talking about what they do and making an offer in sales conversations

As a result they get more clients, make more money, and an even bigger difference in the world doing what they love - and don’t go back to paid employment just to pay the bills.

If you know you’ve been holding yourself back in your business, download Linda’s free Quiz ‘Discover Your Hidden Blocks to Money & Success’ to help you get clarity on where you’ve been blocking yourself and why, and how you can move forward:

Connect with Linda:

YouTube: Linda Anderson

I love connecting with lovely people, so if you found this episode useful or have any questions, connect with me over on Instagram, my introvert happy place!

To flow more freely through turning points and master your fear of change, join the free Magical Life Movement at

About Your Host
Helen Rebello is an author, intuitive mentor and founder of ‘The Magical Life Membership Circle’. She is on a heart-led mission to help 100,000 women open their hearts so that they find the courage to start living in a way that feeds their soul.