Today I'm in conversation with the magical Miriam Linderman, who shares the heart-tugging journey she's been on to escape a long-term, seemingly impossible situation that compressed & terrified her, to navigating the turning point that helped her become who she truly is.
 If you sometimes feel it's too late to make changes, listen to Miriam's words. If you need help to navigate your own turning point, that's what I'm here for. Reach out anytime - DM me on Instagram xx

About Miriam Linderman

It’s never too late for reinvention. At the age of 54, Miriam left a 17-year marriage, moved to a new city, started over, met a man she adores at dance class, and since then she has been more creative than at any other time.
After 40 years in various internal corporate leadership roles, Miriam chose to start a professional coaching practice. She is a leadership, change and human development professional, and in her past life she managed training and organization development for a private college, two private companies, and led major provincial change projects in health care.
Miriam is a certified professional coach, writer and workshop leader and supports women to lead and champion themselves into their most delightful and creative lives. Once upon an earlier time, she was a certified yoga teacher and holistic health educator.
At heart, Miriam is a writer. She discovered this in the last 5 years, after leaving corporate life.

Discover Luscious Aging
Luscious Aging is an orientation to living. It’s seeing that how we live is how we age, and that when we delight in our lives, aging becomes just another phase of the game.
Luscious Aging is an orientation to consistently access your natural gifts, discerning mind and embodied wisdom. It’s the awareness of the vast ocean of consciousness and creativity that’s always available, and the intention to generate what inspires, replenishes and nourishes you and the world.

From this place of deep knowledge and sustained practice, whatever shows up allows you to be present and create what is needed in the moment.
Without denying reality, it’s an opportunity to live with more optimism, joy and love. A delightful and luscious aging life is a messy, humbling, vulnerable and imperfect human journey, worth every effort. Welcome!

Find out more:




For a copy of Miriam's Looking for a Life Partner? A Think-Clearly-Get-Ready Questionnaire click here

I love connecting with lovely people, so if you found this episode useful or have any questions, connect with me over on Instagram, my introvert happy place!

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About Your Host
Helen Rebello is an author, intuitive mentor and founder of ‘The Magical Life Membership Circle’. She is on a heart-led mission to help 100,000 women open their hearts so that they find the courage to start living in a wa