As you transfer your hard-earned assets to your children and groom them to assume control of the family business, you likely want to imbue them with your core family values and an entrepreneurial mindset. But how do you initiate an open dialogue? When is the best time to do it? John and Michael Parise answer …

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As you transfer your hard-earned assets to your children and groom them to assume control of the family business, you likely want to imbue them with your core family values and an entrepreneurial mindset.

But how do you initiate an open dialogue? When is the best time to do it?

John and Michael Parise answer these questions and help you perpetuate your family’s wealth and values for generations to come. They shed light on eye-opening questions and conversations you should engage in with your children to equip them with the knowledge and entrepreneurial capability to advance your family’s legacy (and build their own).

John and Michael discuss:

The importance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset from a young age
Inspiring stories of working with small businesses and private family enterprises
Opportunities and challenges in the current environment for new business owners
Copper Beech Financial Group’s approach to productive family meetings that assist in effective wealth transfer
What it takes to nurture confident future leaders
And more!


Raising Children in the Context of Family Financial Success with Jeff Savlov (Ep. 43)
Bringing the Next Generation Into the Family Business, Part 2 with Jeff Savlov (Ep. 44)
Governance at an Enterprising Family Level with Jeff Savlov (Ep. 57)
Approaching Governance Planning, Part 2 with Jeff Savlov (ep. 58)

Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Copper Beech Financial Group
LinkedIn: John Parise 
LinkedIn: Michael Parise 
LinkedIn: Copper Beech Financial Group, LLC
Facebook: Copper Beech Financial Group, LLC