Welcome to episode 28 and in this week’s business interview you’ll discover the following three golden insights;

1) The truth about network marketing businesses and why there are so many misconceptions.

2) How being able to keep the promises that you make to yourself is crucial to building resilience and longevity.

3) Why most of us over-estimate what we can achieve in a year, but under-estimate what we can accomplish in a decade.

So, stay tuned for all of that and so much more on this week’s episode of the truth about business...

In this episode, I talk business with Matt Elliott.

Since starting out his career at his local pet store at the age of seven, Matt spent some time in the Armed forces with aspirations of becoming a bodyguard, but found he had a passion and a skill for being a personal trainer and helping people to live happier and healthier lives.

After leaving the forces, Matt’s talent was discovered by Adidas and for the next two years he served as a Global Fitness Ambassador, where he enjoyed the life of a rock star being flown business class all around the world, staying in the finest hotels and performing personal training to hundreds of people at a time in stadiums around the globe.  

On his return, Matt was determined to launch a business for himself and after looking into a variety of options, he stumbled upon Herbalife. A billion-dollar, network marketing business that had the backing of the likes of Christiano Ronaldo and the LA Galaxy.

Starting from scratch, Matt grew his business exponentially over the first two years and almost a decade later, Matt is a permanent feature in the Herbalife top 2% in the world with a team of over 1,500 people and once again enjoys a lifestyle similar to that from the Adidas days. 

This was a brilliant interview with another inspirational, high performance entrepreneur who has cracked the code to building an incredibly successful network marketing business and openly talks about the misconceptions that many people have about this type of setup. 

You know, success leaves footprints...

So, let’s take a walk with the passionate, successful and life-changing health and nutrition entrepreneur, Matt Elliott.

Click play and get ready for The Truth About Business!...