Dr. Tammy gets personal with author and sex therapist Susan Wenzel about her choice to open up her marriage, navigating the complexities of polyamory, family, outside lovers and her book A Happy Life in an Open Relationship.

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DR. TAMMY WANTS TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS about Sex, Love & Relationship and help you with your Trouble with Sex. Send your questions to [email protected].

Susan Wenzel is a certified sex therapist, relationship expert, clinical sexologist, and psychotherapist with years of experience working with individuals and couples and leading seminars and workshops. She holds Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degrees in Counseling from Providence University College in Manitoba. She is a certified sex therapist with The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counsellors and Therapists (AASECT). She is also a Canadian certified counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). She is the author of A Happy Life in an Open Relationship: The Essential Guide to a Healthy and Fulfilling Nonmonogamous Love Life.


· To read more about how to improve your sex life, check out Dr. Tammy's Getting the Sex You Want: Shed Your Inhibitions and Reach New Heights of Passion Together.

· Learn more about love, marriage, monogamy and how to redefine your commitment to each other in Dr. Tammy's TEDX talk - The New Monogamy - or her book by the same name.

 ·  Want more Dr. Tammy?  Read: The New Monogamy, When You're the One Who Cheats.

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