Making time to nourish the erotic part of our relationship often takes a backseat to everything else in our busy lives. In this episode, Dr. Tammy talks with Transformational Coach Katherine Gerardi about why a weekly Date Night/Sex Date is essential to a healthy relationship, and how to work through the challenges, different needs, fears and joys that arise so you can better connect and continue to cultivate the partnership you want - together.

DR. TAMMY WANTS TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS about Sex, Love & Relationships! Send your questions to [email protected].

Guest Bio

Katherine Gerardi  is a Transformational Coach and is known as the 'Secret Weapon' and 'Queen of Clarity' for numerous Coaches, Therapists and Professionals. She works with powerful, busy people to clear blocks to receiving : Success, Prosperity, Love, and New Opportunities that lead to momentum increase, sustained energy for high performance, perseverance, and a deep inner knowing that Everything is an Advantage NOW. 

Katherine is the Co-Founder of and the first virtual Rage Room and Sadness Sanctuary, which are for 24/7 interactive tools for emotional release and alchemy. Katherine draws upon over 20 years of leadership, teaching and volunteer work. She is also a Martial Artist, Reiki Master, Spiritual Advisor, Visionary and Powerful Intuitive Guide.


· Learn more about the power of Date Night in Dr. Tammy's TEDX talk - The New Monogamy.

· In this episode Dr. Tammy & Katherine talk about the idea of a Vulnerability Hangover.  Originally coined by author and researcher Brené Brown after her TED Talk on “The Power of Vulnerability,” It is that gut-wrenching feeling that happens the moment we decide to get real about who we are, what we want, and how we express it. It’s that lingering fear after putting oneself out there in some way.

· Have a question for Dr. Tammy? Email: [email protected]

 · This episode is sponsored by UBERLUBE – The Luxury Lubricant. Go to to get 10% your first order with promo code: DRTAMMY. 

·  Book a Couples or Individual Intensive Session with Dr. Tammy at her Santa Monica, CA or New Haven, CT office.  Email: [email protected].

 ·  Want more Dr. Tammy?  Read: The New Monogamy, When You're the One Who Cheats  and Getting the Sex You Want.

 ·  Listen to our full theme song here! NoTroublewithSex_ThemeSong 

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