There's one thing for you to make sure you are clear on, BEFORE you make any kind of career change...
This week’s episode is one designed to help you if you are in a work situation that is just … not working for you anymore – or the clock is ticking on how long it’s going to work for you…
This episode talks about a few things that are really important for you to be clear on - before you make any kind of career move...
Now your move might be ripping the band aid off – and quitting your job without a new role to go to – or it could be that your move is just starting to have some conversations about options, exploring what could be right for you given where you’re at life stage wise...
It's really important, so that you don’t just leap away from where you are now into something new - only to find that you’re no happier there, OR the happiness hit you get from something new only lasts a little while….

If you’re in a job that is just no longer working for you, you’re feeling disconnected, unfulfilled, unappreciated and maybe you’re also having health issues… it's important that before you make any kind of rash decision that you actually allocate some time and energy to getting clear on a few things…
“Learning who we are, what we want and what we’re capable of – it’s a lifelong process”The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath
This one thing for you to get clearer on will be invaluable as you start to move towards whatever is next for you work wise... to get you closer to doing work you actually enjoy again.
Thanks for listening...