This episode is a spin off from last week’s episode – ‘5 things working women can learn from ninja warrior’ because at the end of that episode I realized there was a lot more I could have talked about and one of those things was about the impact of side line critics….
We all have side line critics in our lives and they become especially vocal when you're wanting to do something different from what you’ve been doing for work…
Recently I’ve been doing some interviews with women who have made significant career change [they are for upcoming episodes of the podcast – so stay tuned for those very soon!] and one of the things that is a bit of a common theme is the impact of the people around them and what they say and think about the change they were wanting to make – both positively and negatively.
When you're thinking of making a significant career change it’s natural for there to be fear and uncertainty – and if you have someone in your life telling you all the reasons you shouldn’t change, or being opinionated about what you 'should' do - then it's easy to just let their voice influence your actions…
This episode explores the impact of Sideline critics and how you can handle them.
Thank you for listening!