In this episode we're talking about marketing. The first thing we want to highlight is that there is no one formula for marketing your business. You need to work out what works best for you. 

Dale has tried a ton of different things: letterbox drops, Facebook promos, flyers up in cafes, etc. What he's found that's worked best for him is Google Ads. 

Dale pays an expert to manage all of his Google Ads, it's expensive but he still get's a good return on investment. It takes up no extra time for him so he can focus on running great sessions and his business.

This is what work's best for Dale. How can you get leads in your area? Use trial and error.

Take some time to learn basic marketing skills instead of just following a step by step process in the
latest fad.

Being able to write good copy translates across all different kinds of marketing so it’s a great skill to have.

Some tips:

Ugly gets attention. You don’t need a graphic designer for your marketing flyers.Less is better. Just share enough to get people contacting you. Don’t overwhelm them. This seemscounter intuitive we know.The best marketing is usually from work of mouth. See last episode.

Now on to the main part of today’s episode, are you marketing too much? Are you just spamming people?

Check out Simon Sinek’s talk or book below and get really clear about Why you are running your business.
When you know what you stand for, like-minded people will be attracted to your business and will be
wanting to sign up.

Do this by:

Soft selling (inviting people to join you) instead of hard selling (limited-time, heavy discount, sign upnow)Avoiding heavy discounts just to get people to sign up. You’ll attract the wrong kind of person.Letting go of leads that aren’t ready to sign up. Be understanding.Avoid quick fix tactics that boost you short term but hurt you long term.

Get help, read books and learn about marketing in general. It will help you either do it yourself or
communicate with someone who can do it on your behalf.


Start with Why – Simon Sinek (I did the audio version and loved it)Start with Why – TED (for those who want the short version)