Welcome to Season 2 which is all about finding and keeping clients!

We’re going to pull apart each aspect of this topic and do a deep dive each episode into one aspect.

Episode 1 is on our favourite part of finding and keeping clients: Building Community

Let’s dive in:

The first thing to know about building community is making people feel part of something. Do this through
making it enjoyable and creating teamwork. Check out one of the fun workout podcast episodes we’ve done
(S01E05 and S01E10).

Here’s some other tips on helping people feel a part of something:

Being welcomed/greetedMake it their thing outside of work/friendship circlesSurrounded by people they feel like they know

So how do you create that? Here are some of our tips:

Start at your workouts –> make them a community event (check out planning the perfect session)Come for the trainer and exercise, stay for each otherSocial events – they want to interact with each other in another wayFacebook group or whatsapp style group

During session be sure to:

Introduce new clients to groupCreate discussion among the group by remembering personal things about clientsFind out what they are doing – make notesCreate conversation during stretches – eg. what are you having for dinner?

Dale translation: Aks means asks

Make sure you’re getting people to buy in emotionally – do this by committing to what you’re selling. Be
yourself and you’ll attract like minded people which will make it easier to create community.

One thing Dale has been doing is creating a play environment (see book below) so people can be something
they’re not normally allowed to be in any other part of their life. Life can be stuffy, give people a place to
break loose.

Finally, do it right and people won’t even realise what you’re doing.


Play by Dr Stuart BrownDr Stuart Brown TED Talk: Play is more than just funEnergetic Education PodcastSteven Kotler on The Joe Rogan Experience talking about Flow States (language warning)