Harriette Hale We have known each other since I was living in California several years back and I discovered her and her consciousness and money mindset work.

Her work often triggers people because of their limiting beliefs and preset notions. Her journey has been full of ups and downs. She went to university and graduated.

She was naïve about money and her own beliefs about money. She had a number of different jobs and was also teaching music on the side.

She eventually opened a music company and in her mid 20’s, she had successful arrogance.

She was full of a false sense of confidence before she had a “come to Jesus” moment being in an abusive relationship which she did not recognize at the time, but it led her to an attempt at suicide.

She went into a voluntary in-house program and while in the hospital, her business was run by an ex-boyfriend and a couple of others.

While in the hospital, the people running her company took all of her clients, lesson plans and everything and created their own competing company.

She was broken on many levels especially since she had just gotten out of a 4-month stint in the hospital but she had now run up £250,000 of debt trying to keep the business going.

Everyone that cared about her were telling her to shut it down and claim bankruptcy.

Somewhere deep inside, she heard the call to see it through and wok it out.

She was able to slowly build it back up and grow it into a profitable business.

This journey still had her feeling empty and she went on a journey of spirituality.

She experimented with kundalini, tarot and a number of other modalities. 4 years later, she manifested her first 7 figure year.

Self-development in the UK is not as prevalent as it is in other parts of the world like the US.

Her money mindset work was her 1st transition and going deeper into quantum physics of all things to discover consciousness.

She discovered desire does not have momentum but by 1st making a decision or a commitment coupled with a forward moving drive are the secrets to achieving a better result.

Though desires are the key, they are ever evolving and bringing new ones behind them.

Most people are anxious and depressed because they have never followed their desires.

She believes firmly money is an energy that flows through the path of least resistance and is an energy that needs to flow.

She believes we were not put on the Earth to live a life of struggle.

Uncertainty is the devil. In life, no one really knows what is coming whether a money thing, a health thing a family thing none of it is truly certain.

You have lived your life with 100% uncertainty and are still here.

We need to be careful what we absorb because our thoughts create our reality. 2 people at the same event experiencing the same thing have 2 different takes on the same event. 1 may vibe and the other not vibe but they were both at the same event.

Where is the truth?

Harriette believes there isn’t 1 because we experience and feel differently.

We dug into what happens when a couple are together and 1 has money consciousness and the other does not.

She feels the more you cocoon your money and other inner work; the energy becomes expansive and creates an invitation for those around you.

Next we moved into children and money mindset and how to work with young ones on money mindset. She has a young daughter and does her best to never say no to her.

No plays into way too many money stories that creep up later in life. Harriette runs 2 physical businesses and a virtual one, so we dug into how she keeps her mindset strong navigating between the 3.

She said she is not madly in love with her music and dance schools anymore but doesn’t have to be because she has powerful teams in both, so she doesn’t have to be like her virtual business.

We talked about what’s next and she is not sure which relates back to living with constant uncertainty.

Be conscious of receiving other people’s reflections and beliefs.

For The Love of Money Podcast 


Harriette's Instagram 

John's Info:

Https://www.johnracine.com/ig Https://www.instagram.com/johnracinejr