Ana came to the US as a young girl and experienced a very different environment from where she grew up in the Dominican Republic. She was teased because of the way she pronounced certain words but grew to go to college and graduate as a Respiratory Therapist.

Tragedy struck her as a young adult when her boyfriend was murdered. Her family helped her after that and got her moving towards her spiritual awakening. She learned a lot from her mom and family but decided she wanted something a little different for herself and that developed into her best selling book, How To Become A Conscious Creator: 7 Steps to Self-Mastery She also spent a year discovering herself.

This was important as she grew up and lived with a very negative perspective and mindset. Recorded at the time of mass stay at home orders, Ana has been thriving since she was already doing remote work already. We also talk about the incredible power of affirmations and how it has changed Ana’s mindset and I use when feeling a cold coming on. “I am’s” are very useful and effective.

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